
A Suite of Particle-In-Cell Codes for Plasma and Accelerator Simulations, Based on the AMReX Framework
DescriptionMany plasma and particle accelerator physics problems can be simulated with the Particle-In-Cell technique. However, depending on the details of the physical system to be simulated, the specifics of the corresponding best-suited PIC loop may differ considerably (e.g. electromagnetic, electrostatic or quasistatic PIC algorithm). Here, we present a suite of Particle-In-Cell codes (WarpX, HiPACE++, ImpactX) that are all based on the AMReX framework. Using the same framework allows code to be easily shared and re-used across these various simulation tools, while at the same time accommodating their differing parallelization patterns. The AMReX framework also allows these simulation tools to run on NVIDIA and AMD GPUs, as well as on multi-core CPUs, without the need to duplicate the source code. This work is partially supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a collaborative effort of two U.S. Department of Energy organizations (Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration).
TimeMonday, June 2715:00 - 15:30 CEST
LocationDarwin Room
Event Type
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics