
Long-Time Mesoscopic Simulation of Microvascular Blood Flow in Zebrafish Enabled by a Multiscale Parallel-in-Time Method
DescriptionThe intrinsic stochastic effects can play an important role in mesoscopic processes, while the time step allowed in a mesoscopic simulation is restricted by rapid cellular/subcellular dynamic processes, which limits the timescale of mesoscopic simulations. To break this bottleneck and achieve a biologically meaningful timescale, a multiscale parallel-in-time algorithm is applied to supervise a mesoscopic simulation in time-domain by its continuum counterpart. Using a prediction-correction strategy, the mesoscopic simulation supervised by a continuum-based solver can converge fast over iterations. Benchmark tests show that the supervised mesoscopic simulations of both Newtonian fluids and non-Newtonian bloods converge to reference solutions after a few iterations in terms of velocity, wall shear stress and flowrate. The proposed method is then applied to a large-scale mesoscopic simulation of microvessel blood flow in a zebrafish hindbrain, where the 3D geometry of the vasculature is constructed directly from the images of live zebrafish under a confocal microscope. The time-dependent blood flow from heartbeats of zebrafish is simulated using dissipative particle dynamics as the mesoscopic model, which is supervised by a continuum-based blood flow model in multiple temporal subdomains. The computational analysis shows that the resulting microvessel blood flow converges to the reference solution after only two iterations.
TimeMonday, June 2717:00 - 17:30 CEST
LocationRio Room
Event Type
Life Sciences