Supercomputing of Earthquakes and the Seismic Cycle
DescriptionEarthquake rupture dynamics and seismic shaking simulations routinely utilize large supercomputers. Yet, simulations of the seismic cycle - sequences of earthquakes and aseismic slip - are challenging and have not been extensively developed for HPC environments. I will first summarize recent advances and applications of multi-physics modeling of earthquake dynamics using SeisSol. Next, I will present Tandem for modeling the seismic cycle IN MODEL DOMAINS including more than one intersecting and curved faults, complex geometries and the heterogeneity of the subsurface. Tandem uses a symmetric interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin (SIPG) method and method accommodates two- and three-dimensional domains, is of arbitrary order, handles sub-element variations in material properties and supports isoparametric elements, i.e. high-order representations of the exterior and interior boundaries and interfaces. Tandem is open-source and utilizes highly efficient kernels, is inherently parallel and well suited to perform high resolution simulations on large scale distributed memory architectures. Further flexibility is provided by optionally defining the displacement evaluation via a discrete Green's function, using algorithmically optimal and scalable sparse parallel solvers and preconditioners. Tandem exploits advantages of both the boundary integral and volumetric methods and is an interesting avenue to pursue in the future for extreme scale 3D SEAS simulations.
TimeMonday, June 2717:30 - 18:00 CEST
LocationSingapore Room
Session Chair
Event Type
Climate, Weather and Earth Sciences
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics