MS4G - High Performance Computing in Kinetic Simulations of Plasmas - Part I: HPC Opportunities
Event TypeMinisymposium
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
TimeTuesday, June 2816:30 - 18:30 CEST
LocationDarwin Room
DescriptionRecent advances in cutting-edge physics applications of kinetic theory in plasmas will be presented. Plasmas are subject to a multitude of collective effects including electromagnetic global modes, instabilities and turbulence, which span several orders of magnitude in space and time scales. Various dynamically reduced approaches, such as gyrokinetics of magnetized plasmas or hybrid fluid-kinetic, have been developed to circumvent some of these difficulties, but even with these reductions the problem remains far from trivial. Thanks to progresses in numerical methods, algorithmic development, massive parallelization schemes enabling the efficient use of the most powerful HPC platforms, numerical simulations have gained increasing levels of realism, making possible scientific application studies nowadays that were previously out of reach. This session represents the first part of the three minisymposia on simulations of plasmas and is dedicated more specifically towards issues related to the efficient implementation of the codes on Exascale architectures. Three talks will be devoted to different Particle-In-Cell codes targeting applications in magnetic fusion and plasma accelerators. The final talk will present semi-Lagrangian simulations on a six-dimensional grid.