
Minisymposium: MS2B - Communicating High Performance Computing for Democratizing Science
Event TypeMinisymposium
Climate, Weather and Earth Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences
Life Sciences
TimeMonday, June 2716:00 - 18:00 CEST
LocationSamarkand Room
DescriptionMore than ever before, high-performance computing (HPC) is at the forefront of grand scientific challenges that significantly impact public life, ranging from the virulence of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic to our understanding of the climate in the future with ever-changing weather patterns. Meanwhile, the massive infrastructure projects and sheer expense of high-performance computing systems limit the public's access to the understanding of the methodology and limit the inclusion of global scientists and perspectives. Political and social theorists have long recognized the relationship between inclusion, communication, democratization with public adoption, uptake, and trust. This minisymposium reviews the recent efforts of HPC scientists in disseminating their work through public media and public policy. It will also discuss broader implications for HPC, including how simulation interfaces with public reason and civil society and what a model of global inclusion might look like for HPC.