
Poster: Poster Session and Refreshments
Event TypePoster
TimeTuesday, June 289:00 - 11:00 CEST
LocationFoyer 2nd Floor
DescriptionOnline exhibition available at
P01 - Shallow Water Simulations on Complex Ocean Domains using Block-Structured Grids
P02 - Robust Decision-Making under Risk and Ambiguity
P03 - Pylspack: Fast Parallel Algorithms, Data Structures and Software for Sparse Matrix Sketching, Column Subset Selection, Regression and Leverage Scores
P04 - Scaling the Plasma Simulation while Conserving the Mass: A Massively-Parallel Semi-Lagrangian Solver with the Sparse Grid Combination Technique
P05 - A Circular Harmonic Oscillator Basis for Image Compression
P06 - Enabling Ab-Initio Molecular Dynamics at the Exascale with the CP2K Software Package
P07 - Welcome to a New World, through Heroic Journeys: Heroine's Learning Journey applied to the Machine Learning, Mathematics and Ethics Course.
P08 - Data-Driven Analysis of the Elder Problem Using Big Data and Machine Learning
P09 - Reinvigorating WRF I/O with ADIOS2 - Enabling High Performance Parallel I/O and In-Situ Analysis for Numerical Weather Prediction
P10 - ALPINE: A Set of Portable Plasma Physics Particle-in-Cell Mini-Apps for Exascale
P11 - Real-Time Large Deformation Simulations using Probabilistic Deep Learning Framework
P15 - Building a Physics-Constrained, Fast and Stable Machine Learning-Based Radiation Emulator
P16 - HighFive: An Easy-To-Use, Header-Only C++ Library for HDF5
P17 - DisCosTiC: A DSL-based Parallel Simulation Framework using First-Principles Analytic Performance Models
P18 - Physics-Inspired Representations for Atomistic Machine Learning
P20 - Progress Towards Extending GPU Support in GROMACS with SYCL
P21 - DFTK: A Differentiable Julia Toolkit Enabling Joint Multidisciplinary Research on Efficient and Error-Controlled Electronic-Structure Simulations
P22 - Surrogate Modeling of Laser-Plasma-Based Ion Acceleration with Invertible Neural Networks
P23 - An Innovative and Automated Vortex Identification Method Based on the Estimation of the Center of Rotation
P24 - A FAIR Digital Object-Based Data Lake Architecture to Support Various User Groups and Scientific Domains
P25 - Utopia: a Hardware Portable Library for Large Scale Simulations in Computational Geophysics
P27 - Docker Container in DWD's Seamless INtegrated FOrecastiNg sYstem (SINFONY)
P28 - Distributed Training of Deep Neural Networks
P29 - Benchmarking Memory-Bound Computational Physics Codes with In-House Developed Cloud-Bursting Solution
P30 - GT4Py: High Performance Stencil Computations in Weather and Climate Applications using Python
P31 - Methodology for Estimating the Effective Dissipation Coefficients in Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Stellar Plasmas
P32 - Performance Analysis of Nonlinear Optimization Problems from Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning on HPC Systems
P33 - Topology Aware Collective Communication based on Cyclic Shift and Recursive Exchange
P34 - Deep Learning-Based Forecast of Space Weather Indices
P35 - A Partially Meshfree Galerkin Scheme for Representing Highly Anisotropic Fields
P36 - Bayesian Parameter Estimation of Galactic Binaries in LISA Data with Gaussian Process Regression
P37 - Preparing a High-Order Incompressible Flow Solver for Next Generation Supercomputers
P38 - Designing a Modern 3D FFT Library for HPC with Data-Centric Parallel Programming
P39 - Challenges of SINFONY - the Combination of Nowcasting and Numerical Weather Prediction on the Convective Scale at DWD
P40 - Towards a Task Based GPU Enabled Distributed Eigenvalue Solver
P41 - Fusion of Massively-Parallel Simulation Frameworks and Code Generation Methodologies for Lattice Boltzmann and Multigrid Applications
P42 - Rapid Update Cycle in DWD's Seamless INtegrated FOrecastiNg sYstem (SINFONY)
P43 - Developing a Performance-Portable Finite-Volume Core for Numerical Weather Prediction
P44 - Image Deconvolution for Next-Generation Radio Interferometry
P45 - Dynamos in a Rapidly Rotating Full Sphere
P46 - Supercritical Thermal Convection in a Sphere
P47 - Performance Modelling of Generated Stencil Kernels within the HyTeG Framework
P48 - ARM-Powered Numerical Weather Prediction: Running the ECMWF Model on Fugaku
P49 - Hybrid Parallelization for the Fully Spectral CFD Framework QuICC
P50 - Recent Atlas Library Developments for Earth System Modelling
P51 - Efficient Discrete Cosine and Polynomial Transforms on GPUs using VkFFT
P52 - Semilagrangian Hybrid Kinetic/Driftkinetic Code for the Studying of Fusion Plasmas